I’m sure you’ve noticed that with all the recent events in the world, there’s been a BIG shift in values.
Your audience (or at least new members of your audience) will be asking:
- How authentic are you?
- Can I trust you?
- Can I believe in what you’re saying?
- Are you genuine and really trying to help me or just looking to take my money?
Ultimately they’ll want to be sure that they can trust you and your guidance in any situation.
Now more than ever, you need to be showing authenticity, strong leadership and become THE authority on your subject and line of work.
Your clients will look up to you, and be inspired by you, and that presents a huge opportunity for you right now to build intimacy and to be accessible…
So how do you do that?
Practice these 5 things daily:
- Shift your approach from “what can I get?” to “HOW CAN I SERVE?”
- Reach out to 10 people in your network and ask how you can support them right now
- Spend time in your DM’s adding value with no other agenda and no call to action
- Share more of your story, tell them about your life and share the mistakes you’ve made too and what you learned from them
- Show them behind-the-scenes and that your life is less than perfect too
Let me know how you get on…. Send me a DM or join my Facebook Group and connect with like-minded coaches and entrepreneurs and get free business tips and advice!
Much love, Jody xx