As you collect your thoughts between Xmas and new year, and you get ready to let go of any remaining patterns or behaviours you don’t want to carry forward into 2021….I’m sharing a story with you of what I’m letting go of…in the hope that it’ll inspire you ✨
I was never very good at school. Never the “smart” kid, never the “one to watch” and I didn’t fit into the traditional academic system. I was distracted, daydreaming often and really didn’t want to be there…
I wasn’t a “hard-worker” at all…
That was until I got my first part-time job at 15.
And something clicked
I loved it
I felt excited, energized and I loved working ❤️
It was as if I’d finally found myself. And I had a purpose.
I loved working, I loved earning money, and I loved serving people 🙌🏼
And from that point on, I worked super hard. And that continues to this day. Throughout my corporate job, throughout every job I’ve ever had, I’ve been a grafter 😉 (meaning I’ve stuck at it, and worked my ass off!)
And yet, it’s no longer serving me to work “hard”. To grind. To push, to force, to fuel myself with adrenaline and get everything done today!!
It’s no longer needed. And as I move into 2021, I am letting go of this 🙌🏼
Mind you, I’ve been letting go of this for the past 3 years, unravelling layers and layers of this whole crazy mindset. And it’s working…step-by-step…piece-by-piece…
And then I reach a new level of success, and it creeps up again, as if it’s saying to me: “ok Jody, this is a whole new level, it’s time to prove yourself once again”.
And so…we’re now in a new energy. And this new energy doesn’t require the old way of striving for success…moving into 2021 requires a softer ride, a gentler journey.
A movement into much more of my feminine aspect.
And yet I’ve had to understand a few things as I let this “old way of working” go completely.
One reason why I held onto this limiting belief so closely, was that I believed that if I kept working harder, not only would I be more successful, but I’d ALSO ensure that I received LOVE ❤️ too.
You see, I’d entangled my ability to be loved, right in there with being successful. So in my ego- mind, the more successful I am, the more love I receive.
Crazy right ?
That might be so, yet it’s absolutely been holding it all in place, and it’s been a powerful reason why not to let go…
So if this resonates, I invite you to join me in letting this go…
And use the Christmas gift—the letting go meditation to help support you to let go completely 👍🏼
To us 🥂 and to a brand new 2021 🥂
Love, Jody 💋 xx