It’s official.
Decorated trees are out, lights are shining everywhere and Regent’s Street is full of sparkling angels.
Christmas is here.
Although I’m always up for a hot cup of cacao, or a visit to a Christmas market… there’s something about the dropping temperatures and grey skies that make me crave those long summer days.
And so, I’m proud to announce my winter routine is now in full swing. It’s my go-to to make me feel as good as possible during the colder months.
If you’re longing some TLC too, I’ve got you.
Here are my top 3 tips for a smooth and joyous cold weather season:
- Non-negotiable morning routine: meditation, humming, reading my morning script, ALL of it.
- A serious dose of self-care: I love going to the steam room/sauna at least a couple of times a week to sweat it all out. I also float (floatation tanks) at least once a week. If you’re London based and curious about trying it you can use the code JODYSHIELD for a discount in floatworks!
- Tuning in and listening to my body: I know at this time of year I need more sleep, warm and nourishing food, gentle movement, staying indoors with a hot water bottle, and it’s all great – even if that means canceling some plans of going out – no judgement.
Out of all of the above what is the 1 thing you can action TOMORROW to start nourishing yourself?