Going for Golden Goals

“Goals schmoals”, I thought to myself. “I don’t need to set goals, I’m doing so great without them. Goals are for people who don’t know where they’re going. I know exactly where I’m going, and I don’t need goals to get me there. And anyway, I’m all about living in the present….and so things are constantly changing. So what’s the point in setting goals? Especially 1 year goals, or more laughable, 5 year goals. I mean…anything can happen. Goals are limiting, and I don’t need to set them. So I’ll just sit there, be honest and they’ll let me off, I know it….” Two years ago, all this was going through my mind, as I sat down, green juice in hand for a chat about “vision + goals” with my Lululemon Store Manager (as an ambassador, you’re assigned to a store, and have “check-ins” with the Manager). As I opened my mouth to tell her exactly how I felt about goals, she immediately called me out on it. As if she was totally expecting me to talk my way out.

She said, “but, how do you know where you’re going, if you don’t have any direction?”

She had a point.

{Want to know more about Goals? Check out our new Goals course OR sign up to TribeTonic today and get it for FREE}

When you hold a clear vision of where you want to be, in say 10 years time, even though it’s YEARS away, it works as an anchor in the future for your subconscious to tune into, and without even realising it, you start working towards achieving the steps you need to get you there, as if by magic.

I realised that my resistance towards goal-setting came from a part within me. This part didn’t want to get clear on my goals, because if I achieved them, I’d be more visible in the world and then perhaps judged in some way…who wants that?!

I realised that my resistance towards goal-setting came from a part within me that was afraid that I would fail, and feel stupid for even trying, but even deeper that that was the fear that if I did achieved them, I’d be more visible in the world and then judged in some way…who wants that?!

This made no sense whatsoever, I wanted to be visible in the world, I wanted to be the biggest success I could be….didn’t I?

Did I? With every part of my being?

Apparently not. All the “mind-chatter” telling me; I didn’t need to set goals, I was doing great without them, I knew exactly where I was going etc….was brilliantly designed to keep me distracted and unfocused. Two big things that stop you from making progress in your life. Yeek, I was sabotaging before I’d even started. I had to wake up! Take charge! And shift my thinking.

{Don’t miss our new Getting Golden Goals course OR sign up to TribeTonic today and get it for FREE}

So I got clear on my sabotage, my resistance and made a pact with myself to consciously change how I felt towards setting goals. I decided that; being clear on my goals was powerful, it was how I’d achieve them, and I celebrated setting some big and expansive goals (even if I got scared in the process).

And my whole business changed overnight. Opportunities poured in, everyone wanted to support me, I’d keep sitting next to just the right people at the right time, and my bank balance kept increasing! It was as if the whole universe aligned, to help me get my goals!

I have a question for you: How do you feel about goals? Have you set some? Have you achieved some?

Or are you avoiding them altogether?

Check out our exclusive “Getting Golden Goals” course we’ve secretly launched with TribeTonic. Get it for FREE when you join TribeTonic OR buy it now for £39