Becoming a millionaire…this is where you begin

Can I just say here, that being a millionaire is soooooo much more than having the £££ in the bank – it’s about the person you BECOME on the way there…the version of you that you grow into, and the potential you realise along the way…

This is what really lights me up about being a millionaire…and helping others to become this too.  

Recently, I was running an exciting workshop on “channelling your future millionaire self” 

My intention was to help 130 or so business owners to move closer to this being a reality. Because I realised that so many of my community couldn’t actually connect to this being an actual possibility for them. 

I wanted to help them realise that they’re closer than they think, and help them see what’s in the way of being their best version. 

During the workshop, one of the biggest obstacles coming up, was this belief that to be more financially successful, you had to “WORK REALLY HARD” – much harder than you’ve ever worked, in order to secure a higher level of financial success. 

And who wants to do that? 

And even if you didn’t mind working harder, the chances are, you already work your ass off, and so it’s not clear to see how you could work even harder than you already do…

And this was exactly where the brave humans in the workshop were getting a little stuck. And so, I wanted to unpack this right here on this post, so you too can benefit from the reframe…

The first thing to remember is that – the idea that you have to work harder to have more, is a belief, a story, a perception of success that you’ve picked up along the way…it isn’t REAL. It’s just that many (many) people believe it, and abide by it. It’s become part of our tribal belief system, and we will have seen and experienced many successful business owners using this method of gaining more success. 

But I promise you that underneath the somewhat successful exterior lies a very insecure, burned out human. Who likely works 14 hours a day and doesn’t have a life.

Is this what you want?

No! I don’t believe it is.

So see this way of working as an old, outdated, belief system that does not work anymore. And because it’s a story that was created, it can as easily be “un-created” because yes my friend, you are the creator of your own story…so let’s dig a little deeper…  

Now, during the workshop, I worked with someone on her version of this story. When we delved a little deeper behind the story, she realised that she’d modeled this behaviour on her father who was constantly working very hard, but get this, he was also consistently burning out and ending up being chronically ill, and in bed. For most of her childhood, this is what she remembered…and she decided that if she worked hard, she’d get ill and this is absolutely what she created…

A lot of illness and not much progress. 

I find this all so fascinating, because I also know that when you realise WHY you behave in a certain way, you can unravel this behaviour and become a new version of yourself. 

So let it unravel, face what’s blocking you… so much richness is waiting for you…