Do I DESERVE to be here? I ask myself for the fifth time today.
Is it ok to share all these “incredible” experiences I’m having?
Is it too much?
Am I showing off OR am I showing you what’s possible?
Am I inspiring you OR am I turning you off?
I’m having such an amazing time away here in Cape Town, and my natural instinct is to want everyone to be involved, and to share this all with you – my inner circle 💖
And then my mind kicks in and tells me that I’m showing off!! And that you might be triggered because you’re not here to experience it too. So I feel guilty for sharing and enjoying this experience.
I remember I had the same dilemma in school, I’d never share my nice family experiences because I was embarrassed about having a nice life. The reality was my parents worked bloody hard so we could have a nice life. They built what we had from the ground-up through hard work, and building their businesses.
I realised that I’ve often played down amazing experiences because I’ve been too afraid of being judged for having them.
And the issue with that is, that if you play down experiences and don’t OWN them, CELEBRATE them, APPRECIATE them, be GRATEFUL for them, then you won’t fully experience them or be able to easily create more of them.
We have to learn how to AMPLIFY our life experiences rather than HIDE them.
And CELEBRATE the greatness of life and all that we are / have and will be.
Love you and all that you are, Jody 💖