My top 3 intentions for 2020 and why 🥳

Let’s talk about you setting some GOALS ‘cos it’s a hot topic and we do actually need to think about it don’t we?! 😉

Whether you have a list of goals already for 2020? (or you feel guilty for not having them, don’t worry this used to be me!) I wanted to share some thoughts about intentions.

Intentions are really POWERFUL, there’s no denying it.

One of the reasons why they’re so powerful is that, as soon as you set an intention, what shows up is everything that’s standing in the way of you and where you want to be / go.

And that’s good because you need to know what’s standing in the way between you and greatness.

Intentions aren’t to be confused with goals: they’re about who you want to be, what you wish to contribute to the world, and how you choose to touch the lives of others. 

FYI Setting intentions is a new thing to me, and I’ve never really been a goal setter or someone who had intentions and plans in her business. Until I realised how important it was to be steering the ship somewhere.

If you didn’t know, setting an intention is a similar process like setting a goal, but the difference is that you don’t plan out the path you take to get you there.

To me, the main question(s) I ask myself is always: “can I feel this? how does it make me feel? does it excite me?”


If I can feel it, then I know it’s a good one. And I know that it’ll actually happen because I feel it ✨

Setting an intention is a similar process like setting a goal, but the difference is that you don’t plan out the way how to get there. You just intend the outcome and surrender the process to the universe. It’s like making a wish ⭐️

You simply intend the outcome and surrender the process to the universe. It’s like making a wish ⭐️

One requirement that the intention has is that it comes from your heart. Start to vision from your heart. Let your heart lead the way. 

To give you some inspo, my top 3 intentions are:

  1. my intention is to quieten my mind and allow my soul to speak
  2. my intention is to show up 100% in every situation, especially when I’m afraid!
  3. my intention is to feel grateful every, single morning for all that I am and all I have

What are yours? I’ve found that setting intentions is super powerful so get to it! What are you waiting for?! x