I’ve got a VIP message for you (and me) today. And I’ve ever underlined it so I don’t forget 😂
Always, ALWAYS, always, make sure you remember that:
You’re the BOSS, you get to decide on the rules 👍🏼
Something which I’m still working on as a boss, is that I get to make the rules.
It’s becoming more clear to me each day, but (and this is a big one) it’s also served me for soooooo many years to keep working at pace, in a sprint-like manner to make 100% sure that everything is “Delivered” on time and done perfectly….
How crazy that I’ve been my own boss all along, and I’ve been working my arse off this whole time, testing myself and making sure that everything is done on time, and perfectly!
Please remember that YOU are the boss. YOU get to make the rules.
No-one is checking you
No-one is looking over your shoulder to make sure you’ve done it perfectly
No-one is JUDGING you….
It’s only YOU who is judging YOU…!
And you do not need to feel guilty about anything you do or don’t do 🙌🏼
Here’s the thing – when you’ve worked for other people, and are used to reporting into someone else, overdelivering, making sure someone else is happy and you’re doing a really good job, a part of you still stays in that mindset…
And if something falls through the net, you beat yourself up…
If a deadline that you make for yourself doesn’t happen, you feel anxiety and knots in your tummy…
If you don’t quite get the results you wanted to get, again it’s a fail, and you’re not good enough!!
So I’m here to remind you and me that YOU MAKE THE RULES!!!!
It’s your life, your business and your way of working.
Love you and all you stand for…