During a brilliant interview recently, I was asked to share a time in my life or career where I’d levelled up.
And I love these questions, and I always go with the FIRST answer that pops into my head – it’s always the “right” one…
In the summer of 2019, my interest in health optimisation had really increased, I was geeking out on so many new practices to enhance my performance and reduce stress, anxiety and tiredness e.g. functional (Chinese) mushrooms, micro-dosing, breathing techniques, sleep optimisation, intermittent fasting, green powders…the list goes on…
Anyway, I was participating in a self-development ceremony in the UK in the October of that year, and someone I knew was there. Within minutes she was telling me all about training in cold water therapy, ice baths, and breathing properly, and finding this incredible teacher called Wim Hof. And how his techniques had transformed her practice with her clients etc…
(It wasn’t the first time someone had mentioned Wim Hof to me, 2 years earlier one of my best friends had practiced the breathing techniques for 3 months, and to the point where he could hold his breath for 3 full minutes while doing 80 press-ups. It sounded cool, but I wasn’t ready…the mere thought of having cold showers turned me right off! So I didn’t bother pursuing it.)
A week after the ceremony, I decided I wanted to do a podcast series, exploring health optimisation, or to give it it’s proper name – BIOHACKING…I had this idea of finding experts to interview, yet I had no idea HOW it was going to happen or where I needed to start.
And then something crazy happened…I got an email completely out of the blue from Wim Hof’s management team, telling me that he was in London, and asking me if I’d like to interview him!!!!!!
I said YES right away, without even thinking about the implications of what this would mean. Or WHAT I’d even ask him…
And so, 2 weeks later, I was sitting in front of the Iceman himself, Mr Wim Hof, about to interview him on how to use his techniques as part of enhancing our lives and reducing stress levels. You can listen to the episode below.
But what I really want to share with you, was that in preparation for this interview, I’d meditated and asked the questions: “how can I get the best from this interview? what shall I ask Wim? What would be the best Q’s to ask?”
And the insight I got changed everything for me, it changed my life, and changed the way I speak and share, and also how I now interview other experts.
I was guided to get out of my intellectual consciousness and into my spiritual consciousness. What that essentially means is – out of my head and rational thinking and into my heart and a space of love.
Now, I had no idea what Wim Hof would be like. Yet when I was sitting there facing him, about to start the interview, I felt calm, connected and powerful.
This was so important, because he is an absolute FORCE. He’s very powerful. Has a huge energy field, and he doesn’t mess around!
So by following this insight, I could meet him at his level, as an equal. And he instantly had respect for me. It was an amazing experience and I levelled up.
What I found out afterwards was there were only 2 other people he had agreed to speaking to on that trip… an A-list Hollywood actor, and a world famous comedian – I was totally humbled.
My takeout here is that the universe always has my back, and I am more powerful than I realised.
And “big” things are always closer than you realise – everything is possible…
Love Jody xx
PS: Connect with me on IG and join me every Wednesday on our Live Meditation!