When You’re Born Into “NEVER ENOUGH”

I am overflowing with a feeling of wealth…

Which hasn’t always been the case. For many years, I was stuck in the belief of NEVER having enough.

And I realised that everyone around me while I was growing up – my family, my friends, my grandparents, my whole city pretty much were ALL living from a belief system of NEVER having enough…

And none of us knew any different.
None of us knew that it was possible to view things in a different way.
None of us knew that there was a different way of seeing things.⁣

The thing is, if you’ve been seeing life, the universe, the world, money, and everything else that you relate to, through the lens of “never enough“ then this way of seeing things is deeply ingrained in your psyche.

And you will always feel like you NEVER have enough no matter how much you try to have more.

It takes a lot of strength to pull yourself out of this.

I know how much strength it takes to pull yourself out. Believe me, I did it on a DAILY basis. And sometimes it creeps back in…

And I have to remind myself that this is an OLD way of saying things, and we’re done with that OLD way now…⁣

Jody xxx