4 x DAILY practices to keep you thriving during self-isolation

It’s ok to feel anxious, it’s ok to be scared, and it’s definitely ok to feel overwhelmed or uncertain…..

You are definitely not alone. I’m with you 👍🏼

However over the past week I’ve shifted from feeling very HELPLESS to HELPING everyone!

Something inside of me woke up 🔥

Because I realised that: Crisis creates character.

So how I see it, this crisis is giving us the opportunity to raise up to new expectations and new realities. To show up more than ever with resilience, determination and an open heart. 

And when you do rise up, your whole world will SHIFT too. It’s happening already. 

Most of my downloads are happening over on IG – see my latest one HERE

And HERE are 4 things I’m doing every day to keep me on track:

1. MEDITATE – If you’d like a FREE meditation download, email hello@jodyshield.co.uk

2. MOVE ENERGY AROUND – Wake up every morning & pace around the house while TAPPING on your karate chop point (the outside edge of your hand) get the oxygen moving around the body and keep breathing in and out. Keep your energy high with whatever makes you happy (hello memes).

3. BE POWERFUL – Repeat powerful affirmations: affirmations are one of my favourite tools to instantly shift my energy. You can repeat them out loud, in your mind or pop them into post-its around your home. Some of my favourites are:





4. BE IN SERVICE – ask yourself who needs my help right now? who can I support? reach out to family, friends and loved ones and let them know you’re there for them.

Now more than ever it’s important that we take responsibility for our thoughts and energy during this time. Your positive intentions can make a massive difference for yourself, your household, your community and the world.

I hope these tools are helpful, please pass them along if you know of anyone who would benefit from them. 

It’s important that we take responsibility for our thoughts and energy during this time. Your positive intentions can make a massive difference for yourself, your household, your community and the world.

All my love,
Jody xxx