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My book is editors pick on Audible + the recording “journey”


What you don’t know, is that I had a mini “journey” recording it. I felt lots of emotion coming up while I was reading it out loud to someone I’d just met (the sound producer) and going through the journey again. There was quite a bit going on in my mind, when I was going through the recording process. It was very easy to tap into my feelings of vulnerability, and I felt very exposed while I was reading, and although my producer was really sympathetic and understanding, each time he picked me up on swallowing too much or making funny noises with my mouth, I went into my “not good enough” zone.

Yet all the while, I couldn’t help knowing that being vulnerable while telling my story and reading the book was a good thing – that you, the listener would be more connected to the book, and words you were listening to. Amazingly enough, when I showed up for my second recording session, my throat was clearer, I felt more open and calmer. I’d gone through a big speaking transformation, and I could feel it in myself. So sitting it out, and carrying on regardless (even though I felt vulnerable) really paid off!!

AND When you listen to it, you won’t notice anything as it’s all in my mind, and being a “speaker” has its advantages – the words flow easily, and I know how to bring a story to life. So I’m very happy with it, and I’m so grateful to go through a transformation during the making of it (as I did with my book).

If you enjoy listening to stories, please check out my audible book, and let me know what you think – you’ll also see I have an extra book of audio content that enhances the book, and supports you to heal your life and soothe your soul.

You can purchase both here xx